Boutique Commercial HVAC | Plumbing | Maintenance
• Filter Changes • Seasonal Maintenance & Care • Seasonal System Inspections • Trouble Shooting • Repairs • Emergency Service |
• Unit Replacements • Commissioning • Bathroom Inspections and Repairs • Sewer Cleaning / Replacement • Water Treatment • General Plumbing Repairs |
Now Accepting New Customers.
Calvert Commercial Services is and will be a boutique commercial HVAC and plumbing service provider with a guiding principle that we won’t grow faster than our competence and acknowledging the fact that it’s easy to grow a business, the difficulty is in finding the qualified personal to fulfill our promise. Our choice is to be good at what we do, not big at what we do.
Service Area
Local Self-Performing HVAC and Plumbing
- Having provided regional service, we learned its not in anyone’s best interest to do so.
- We prefer to keep our techs within under a 60 minute commute to the customer and preferably just 45. We’ve found our techs to be more energetic with a better mindset when their travel is limited.
- Many technicians have parental responsibilities. We don’t want to put someone in a position to choose between getting the job done right or making the little league game on time.
- We believe the office exists to support the field staff and have learned the farther the job site is from the office, the more the support falls off as does the quality control effort.
- We dislike billing the customer for skilled technicians stuck behind a windshield in traffic.

About Our Work
Calvert is available as needed. Though its our experience that the fulfillment center has a lot of overlap in their HVAC systems, and emergency service is not typically necessary, we are committed to the facilities staff and make ourselves available to their needs.
- First in line service when necessary.
- Technicians on call 24/7
- Owners over see and are part of the escalation for after hours service. As a side note, we have discovered that if the maintenance is done right, a facility does not get unexpected failures of equipment however, we are prepared for the unforeseen.
Quality Control
We create specific task and check lists custom to the equipment and the service being preformed. This prevents all levels of issues from being overlooked and allows us to maintain a high level standard of work. We perform random job site inspections to verify our policies and process are being preformed.
1 Year Labor Warranty on everything we do. Parts Warranty is limited to manufactures terms and conditions.